State Neglected the Role of their Agencies in Child Custody Matters

State ignorance in Child Custody Matters by Men Helpline - An initiative to save Indian Family

The neglect by State agencies in child custody matters has created a legal environment where the court system is overwhelmed, and the rights of children are not fully protected. While frameworks such as the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 exist to empower these agencies, their lack of involvement in these cases has left a significant gap in the protection of…

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Need for Legal Reform: Clear Guidelines for Shared Parenting in Child Custody Matters

Guidelines for implementing Shared Parenting plan by Men Helpline - An initiative to save Indian Family

India’s child custody laws urgently need to evolve to embrace the growing importance of shared parenting. In many European countries, joint parental responsibility has become the default arrangement unless there are specific circumstances, such as abuse or neglect, that prevent it. This approach recognizes that, while a marriage may dissolve, parenthood does not, and both parents should remain actively…

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Importance of Shared Parenting in Child Custody – Joint parenting

Shared Parenting in Child Custody by Men Helpline - An initiative to save Indian Family

The decision of who will raise a child following a separation or divorce has a profound impact on the child’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. In family law, child custody is one of the most sensitive and critical issues. In India, child custody laws aim to safeguard the child’s best interests, but recent developments suggest the need for a…

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