Petition for No-Fault Divorce in India: End the culture of Blame Game

Petition for No-Fault Divorce in India: End the culture of Blame Game

Petition for No-Fault Divorce in India: End the culture of Blame Game No-fault divorce model offers separation without a cycle of blame-game. To Whom It May Concern, We urge the Indian Court, Ministry of Law and the Law Commission to enact legislation considering the no-fault model of divorce in India. Introduction: Family law should prioritize fairness, compassion, and efficiency,…

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Petition for Implementing Joint Parenting in Child Custody Cases

Children Needs Parenting, not the biased Custody Campaign

Petition for Implementing Joint Parenting in Child Custody Cases To Whom It May Concern, We urge the Indian Court and lawmakers to take immediate steps to implement Joint Parenting Model in child custody laws across the country. The current child custody framework favors single-parent custodial system, which results in the alienation of one parent from the child’s life. “marriage…

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