Men Lives Matter Too – End the Bias Campaign

Men Lives Matter Too – End the Bias Campaign

Men Lives Matter Too - End the Bias Campaign

Recent incidents, such as the Atul Subhash and Puneet Khurana cases have highlighted men’s issues, drawing widespread attention from netizens. Yet, these concerns continue to be ignored by lawmakers.

The “Men Lives Matter Too – End the Bias” campaign aims to bring attention to the systemic challenges men face in legal matters related to family disputes, maintenance, domestic violence, and false accusations. The voices of men who endure injustice often go unheard and ignored by lawmakers. This campaign seeks to ensure that justice and fairness are extended to all, regardless of gender.

Countless men across the country are battling emotional, financial, and social hardships caused by legal frameworks that disproportionately favor one side. This bias is not only unfair but also deeply harmful, leading to broken families, shattered lives, and even tragic cases of suicide. The campaign focuses on advocating for legal reforms such as No-Fault Divorce, Prenuptial Agreements, and Joint Parenting to build a fair and balanced system for everyone.

Through this initiative, we aim to create a platform where men can share their experiences, voice their concerns, and advocate for change. By raising awareness and fostering open dialogue, we hope to unite people from all walks of life to stand against bias and fight for a legal system that treats everyone equally.

Together, let us break the silence, challenge the stereotypes, and work towards building a society that values justice and equality for all.

Your participation matters!!”, Kumar S Ratan, Founder Men Helpline

Support Received 127

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