The age-old adage “Behind every successful man, there stands a woman” has existed for centuries but the sentiment has undergone a drastic shift after the rise of feminism.
Behind every successful man, it’s him alone. Man’s success is due to a complex interplay of factors, including his own hard work, talent, determination and importantly his own will. While the support of others can undoubtedly play a role regardless of gender.
In today’s societal landscape, the narrative has shifted. Behind every successful man, it’s him alone; the women’s empowerment has fostered a mindset of individualism among women, leading some women to prioritize personal gain over familial responsibilities. Such biased women has no vision for family, nor they concerned about the children.
The rise of feminism advocates for rights of women, but it is important to acknowledge that families are comprised of individuals of various genders, ages, and roles, it consists of men, women, children, and senior citizens. Focusing completely on individual rights or women’s rights has diminished the support which is essential for the well-being of the family as a unit.
Many such cases have been observed where highly educated and professional women seek alimony from their husbands, abandoning careers and familial duties in pursuit of free money from husband. However feminism claims the credit for providing women with greater autonomy, but the reality is that societal shifts and increased information exchange have played pivotal roles.
This narrative of individual empowerment has neglected the essential balance between power and responsibility. Feminism’s exclusive focus on rights without responsibilities poses a threat to the family institution, which is ultimately putting the burden on men who are compelled to focus on work for earning along with domestic tasks.
Now women are no longer interested in supporting their husbands, they do not want to take care husband’s old parents and even in many cases they do not even allow their husband to care them, however women could have supported their husbands in many ways, such as by providing emotional support, encouragement.
In today’s world, it is more accurate to say that behind every successful man it is him only and the network of people who have supported along the way. This network may include family, friends, mentors, colleagues, and strangers who have provided encouragement or inspiration. It is important to remember that success is not a solo journey; it is something that is achieved through the help and support of others regardless of gender.