Marriage, once seen as a sacred union of seven births, is now becoming a scary affair for men.
There are many factors that are causing this growing concern, ranging from societal expectations to legal and financial implications and complexities.
Men’s issues are portrayed comically while women’s issues are a matter of national concern, this double standard has broken the fundamental principle of the institution of marriage.
Let’s look at why marriage becoming scary affair for men.
The Hidden Dangers of Unhappy Marriages
Unfortunately, India is conducting study over women’s issues but discarding men’s issues, the reason could be that there is ministry for women but no ministry for men. So we have to take reference on study conducted abroad over men’s issues.
An Israeli study (which ran for 32 years), Tel Aviv University, found that men in unhappy marriages faced a 19% higher mortality rate. According to the report, Men in unhappy marriages are 69 percent more likely to have a fatal stroke than those in happy marriages.
The stress of an unhappy marriage can cause various health problems in men, including heart disease and mental health disorders, due to which the prospect of marriage becomes quite frightening and terrifying.
Legal and Financial Backlash
The present situation is that men are more exposed to severe legal consequences in the event of family dispute or in a divorce. The legal consequences, financial burden of alimony and child support, can leave men financially and legally crippled.
Since 1000s of year, men have been seen as providers, and this expectation continues to place undue pressure on men within a marriage. The law and legal system often appears to favour women, regardless of the circumstances.
The Illusion of Benefits
There is no equality in marriage. Women often receive emotional and financial support, while men frequently find themselves at a disadvantage. When a matter comes, men face intense scrutiny by the media and legal system and also faces social ridicule.
The lack of financial obligations and mutual responsibilities of their partners has resulted in marriage becoming a one-sided arrangement that disproportionately benefits women and places all the burden on men.
The Changing Dynamics of Relationships
With the advent of feminism, traditional marital roles have been challenged and places all the burden on men. This change has made men feel uncertain about their place in marriage. Countless good people have found themselves financially ruined and emotionally broken by family disputes, often through no fault of their own.
Reason of Why Marriage is Scary for Men
- Financial Burden : The cost of getting out of a marriage is often hectic, costly and time consuming. Finding the right partner can feel like a lottery.
- Unrecognized Efforts : Despite working hard to support their families, men often feel unappreciated and undervalued. Their involvement is essential in jobs, household responsibilities, and child care, yet it is often believed that they are not doing enough. This lack of recognition can lead a scary marriage for men.
- Lack of Emotional Support : During tough times, many men finds that their wives are not as supportive and instead of receiving empathy, they might be criticized for not doing enough. So men faces lack of emotional support when in need.
- Disappearing support: The importance of community support, which has largely disappeared in modern society. Without this support, the pressures of raising a family can be overwhelming.
- Weakened by Marriage: While men are accepting the responsibilities and compromises required to maintain the family, on the other hand the modern wife puts pressure on the husband to separate from parents and relatives. This is essentially leading to a matriarchal society.
- Unrealistic Expectations : Men often expect love and companionship in marriage but it often turns into a series of compromises and economic transactions, leaving men feeling disappointed.
- Media Glorification: Bollywood movies and television serials often glorify marriage while portraying women as victims. This narrative portrays gender stereotypes and creates unrealistic expectations for both men and women.
Is Marriage Worth for Men?
Almost all our members, got married with an expectation of love, companionship, family. But later, they realized that all these motivations were lies. Many of them believed that men can live happy life without marriage by focusing on their passions, maintaining friendships, and living freely.
The Government’s lack of focus to save Indian family has brought the institution of marriage on the verge to take end where there is no men welfare.
If the law of marital relation does not change,the society will be destroyed very soon.
I am struck in a very long and unhappy marriage need help to get out from it
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