This tragic case of Atul Subhash raises urgent concerns about how men’s issues, especially in cases of marital discord, are systemically neglected. When judiciary will wake up, “How Many More Men Must Suffer”
The extensive documentation left by Atul, including a 24-page suicide note and a video, provides a chilling insight into the emotional and financial toll inflicted upon men in prolonged legal battles stemming from personal disputes. The situation highlights several critical issues:
Key Concerns
Abuse of Legal Provisions
Atul’s case underscores the misuse of laws intended to protect women, such as domestic violence and dowry-related laws, which are sometimes exploited to harass men and their families. Multiple false accusations drained him emotionally, financially, and socially.
Judicial System’s Shortcomings:
- 120 court hearings in two years reflect inefficiencies in the judicial system, where cases drag on endlessly with minimal resolution.
- Allegations of corruption, bribery, and insensitivity on the part of judicial officials exacerbate the suffering of individuals like Atul.
Mental Health Neglect
Prolonged legal harassment without institutional support for mental health led Atul to despair. Despite evident distress, his cries for justice were unheard.
Lack of Support Systems for Men
There are inadequate mechanisms to address the grievances of men facing false accusations. We as an NGOs provide limited help, but systemic changes are necessary.
Urgent Questions
- How many more men will succumb to despair before the judicial system takes their issues seriously?
- Why are there no stringent penalties for filing false cases that ruin lives and families?
- Is the judicial system designed to uphold justice, or is it merely enabling one-sided empowerment?