Men Helpline Approach to Save the Indian Family: Movement to Preserve the Core

Time to Save the Great Indian Family - Speak Up

The Indian family unit, the backbone of our society, is facing unprecedented challenges due to the legal bias resulting to family breakdowns, and false accusations against men. Men Helpline organization is dedicated to supporting men in distress, particularly those falsely accused in dowry harassment or rape cases, while simultaneously advocating for systemic changes that will strengthen and save the…

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Tragic Case of Nishant Tripathi – Did His Mother Truly Succeeded as a Women’s Rights Activist?

Did Nishant Mother Truly Succeeded as Women's Rights Activist

The tragic case of Nishant Tripathi has once again exposed the double standards in our legal and social systems when it comes to men’s rights. Nishant Tripathi, a 41 years old man with a promising future, ultimately took his own life. What makes this case even more ironic is that his own mother, Neelam Chaturvedi, is a well-known women’s…

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Survival of Indian Families is at risk Amidst One-Sided Gender biased Laws

Misuse of 498a breaking Indian family - representational image

Are we truly protecting families, or are we dismantling them in the name of justice? If the government and legal system fail to act, India may soon see a complete collapse of its traditional family structure, with marriage becoming an obsolete institution. The survival of Indian families is at risk amidst one-sided gender-biased laws, which may ultimately lead to…

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Men’s Hidden Struggles: Navigating Gender Bias in Indian Law

Man looking down burdened and introspective, depicting Men’s Hidden Struggles due to Gender Bias in Indian Law

This blog explores how men are impacted by gender biased laws, the consequences they face, and why India needs to consider a shift towards gender-neutral legislation. The idea of navigating the gender bias in Indian law is to explore the men’ hidden struggle due to the bias. India’s legal system includes gender-specific laws which has lead to discrimination against…

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Marriage becoming scary affair for men in Indian Context

Men in unhappy marriages have higher risk of death, time to save indian family and to ensure men welfare

Marriage, once seen as a sacred union of seven births, is now becoming a scary affair for men. There are many factors that are causing this growing concern, ranging from societal expectations to legal and financial implications and complexities. Men’s issues are portrayed comically while women’s issues are a matter of national concern, this double standard has broken the…

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Investigation Procedures by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)

Investigation Process of National Human Rights Commission - NHRC

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) was established in 1993 under the Protection of Human Rights Act of 1993 (PHR Act). National Human Rights Commission is an independent body set up to safeguard human rights and address related grievances in India. The intent of the blog to bring the investigation procedures by the National Human Rights Commission. Purpose of…

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BNS Sections May Help Men Facing False Accusations of Rape and Dowry Harassment

Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) Sections That may help men Facing False cases of Rape and Dowry Harassment

There are certain BNS sections for Men that can be helpful especially in case he has been accused in a false rape case or a false dowry harassment case. There has been an increasing trend of false accusations, particularly in cases of rape and dowry harassment. Therefore, it is important to understand the legal provisions which may protect men…

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Need to address human rights violations against men in legal matters

Ignorance of Men's Perspective in law is violation of principal of Human Rights

We need to address human rights violations against men in legal matters. With this article MEN Helpline trying to bring attention of lawmakers the treatment of men in legal matters. The current situation of men in the law and legal system is violating the Human rights principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Human rights are the…

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Modern legal system fails to uphold the principles of equality for men

Women empowerment movement on the cost of Men's Rights

In the changing society, the institution of marriage is undergoing significant scrutiny, particularly concerning its treatment of men within the family dynamic and in the societal norms. Despite historical notions of respect and honor associated with marriage, the modern legal system fails to uphold the principles of equality for men. In the modern legal landscape, men often find themselves…

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Behind Every Successful Man It is Him alone and His Network

Behind Every Success full Man it is not women

The age-old adage “Behind every successful man, there stands a woman” has existed for centuries but the sentiment has undergone a drastic shift after the rise of feminism. Behind every successful man, it’s him alone. Man’s success is due to a complex interplay of factors, including his own hard work, talent, determination and importantly his own will. While the…

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