Men Helpline Org is dedicated helpline for Men facing Domestic Violence or being falsely trapped in gender based laws by misusing the process of law.
Men Helpline is a Men’s Rights NGO, providing All India Helpline number for men, with an aim to help the harassed men. Men Helpline is an initiative of Purusharth Innocence Project (PIP), Non Profit, Self-Support Group , which is a dedicated platform to support Save Indian Family Movement.
Men Helpline Org (MHO) is a prominent organization operating in India with a mission: to raise the voice for the rights of men and boys while nurturing strong family traditions. MHO has been a steadfast advocate for gender equality, justice, and fairness within the legal and societal framework.
Our aim is to help the male victims who has been falsely made accused in/under Dowry Harassment, IPC 489A, Domestic Violence Act, Rape Charges, and various other gender biased laws.
We strongly support Shared Parenting, Joint Parenting and Joint responsibility, because a child is the ultimate sufferer in a family dispute. We are working in order to save the innocent men’s life and also advocating to save the Indian family system to strengthen our society and Nation.
Our All India Number to support men in distress who are victim of False 498a case, false Domestic Violence, False Rape Cases.
Men Helpline Mitra are self motivated people, transforming a victim men to a fighter of False 498A. These Mitra with helpline number for Men, further guiding the male victims to deal with false ipc498a misuse and other women centric laws.
Our dedicated and passionate Mitra, continuously raising concern about male domestic violence or abuse and male vulnerability.
One can find Mitra at Men Helpline Bangalore, Men Helpline Delhi and various other metro cities.
“A self motivated and highly energetic are vulnerable too“

To help the male victim, we providing dedicated men helpline number, 498a whatsapp group, dedicated support from Men Helpline Mitr, the next level support which essentially help them fight their cases, group discussions etc.