RTI Application to SHO for obtaining information of arrest under IPC Section 498A
RTI Application to SHO for obtaining information of arrest under IPC Section 498A under “Right to Information Act, 2005”
Family Dispute
RTI Application to SHO for obtaining information of arrest under IPC Section 498A under “Right to Information Act, 2005”
RTI Application to obtain the copy of complaint from Women Cell, this need to be sent to the PIO of corresponding “Deputy Commissioner of Police”, where the complaint has been lodged.
Under IPC498a the husband treated guilty as soon as he is slapped with Dowry Harassment charges by his wife. It is important to understand that even in murder case, “accused is treated not guilty until proven guilty”. According to Article 14 of Constitution of India, “every one should be equal before law”. But we see gross violation of Article…
We strongly need reforms in Judiciary as well as in the process of investigation. The husband and keens treated badly by the investigation agencies, even the agencies playing with the process of law. The other perspective cannot be denied that, the person who is doing investigation has to report in court, has to visit crime scene, patrolling, arresting and…