Three Occasions of Dowry, Before, after and Time of Marriage : SC in Satvir Singh Case

Important Judgement at Men Helpline

In the matter of Satvir Singh And Ors vs State Of Punjab And Anr, Supreme Court (SC) defines occasions related to Dowry. Bench at SC defines three occasions of dowry, Before, after and Time of Marriage “there are three occasions related to dowry. One is before the marriage, second is at the time of marriage and the third is…

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Exchange of Presents at the time of marriage is not Dowry : SC in Ran Singh case

Important Judgement at Men Helpline

In the matter of Ran Singh And Anr vs State Of Haryana And Anr, Supreme Court (SC) declares exchange of Presents at the time of marriage is not Dowry. “it is hereby declared that any presents made at the time of a marriage to either party to the marriage in the form of cash, ornaments, clothes or other articles,…

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Domestic Violence on Males in India is Ignored : Men Helpline Article

Male Domestic Abuse Ignored

Indian law makers do not see Domestic Violence (DV) with Male, they believe that women are the only victims of domestic violence as they are weaker section of society. Here we must discuss, “weaker section”. What is “weaker section”? Is this about the physical, mental or economical strength. So yes, this is about all. The same law maker never…

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IPC498a and Domestic Violence laws are made to break families – Men Helpline Article

False Case on Male Breaking Families

Under IPC498a the husband treated guilty as soon as he is slapped with Dowry Harassment charges by his wife. It is important to understand that even in murder case, “accused is treated not guilty until proven guilty”. According to Article 14 of Constitution of India, “every one should be equal before law”. But we see gross violation of Article…

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Our Demand for Police and Judiciary Reform to Deal with the Family Dispute in India – MenHelpline Org Article

Need of Police Reform in India

We strongly need reforms in Judiciary as well as in the process of investigation. The husband and keens treated badly by the investigation agencies, even the agencies playing with the process of law. The other perspective cannot be denied that, the person who is doing investigation has to report in court, has to visit crime scene, patrolling, arresting and…

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False Cases of IPC 498A On Indian Husbands – MenHelpline Org Article

False Case ruining Men's Life

Society must ensure their faith in the Juducial system, and vice versa judiciary also give equal chance to male as of women. This will be wrong say, “All women are Saints while Male are born Criminals”. Law Commission and Home Ministry in year 2013, took step against arrest under Section 498A of Indian Penal Court (IPC) and directions were…

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