Men Helpline condemns Tamil Nadu police for father-son death in police custody

Father-Son duo died in Police custody in Tamil Nadu

Men Helpline condemns Tamil Nadu police for father-son death in police custody and we demand strict action against the officers involved. It is reported that the duo from Sathankulam allegedly died in police custody after they beaten by police officers. The act of police was just for opening the shop in lockdown beyond the time limit in Tamilnadu. If…

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Men Helpline Condemned Sonali Phogat for Thrashing Hisar Market Secretary with slipper

Men helpline condemned Sonali Phogat for Thrashing Hisar Market Secretary with slipper

Friday, Sonali Phogat visited Hisar market concerning the farmers grievances but the way she tried to politicise her visit is Not commendable. Men Helpline condemned such behaviour of Sonali Phogat for misusing the process of law to harass a man. Phogat called the market secretary Sultan Singh in private and then accused him of using inappropriate language for her….

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Arnesh Kumar Vs State Of Bihar case, A Milestone over misuse of IPC Section 498A and arrest

Arnesh Kumar VS State of Bihar, A milestone judgement

Arnesh Kumar case, a milestone due to various observations and guidelines issued by the Supreme Court over misuse of IPC Section 498A and arrest. Importantly it focused on the process and the justification for arrest and the need to stop automatic arrest. The bench in the matter observed the ‘IPC Section 498A as weapon rather than the shield.’ “The…

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Men Helpline Organisation condemned NCW for removing its poll on Twitter

NCW removed the Poll over Violence on men and women as it represented male victims of domestic violence - helpline for men

National Commission for Women (NCW) removed its own poll on ‘violence against men and women’. Men Helpline Organisation condemned NCW for removing its poll on Twitter. On 22nd May 2020, NCW started a poll on twitter on the subject of “Who is usually at risk of harassment”, and then the NCW removed the poll in next few hours, because…

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Men Helpline Org condemned the irresponsible behavior of DCW and Delhi Police in the “Bois Lock Room” Controversy

Representational Image of Bios Locker Room Controversy

We condemned the role of Delhi Police and Delhi Commission of Women (DCW) which is totally irresponsible in the “Bois Lock Room” Controversy. They in hurry detained the admin of the group, who is a juvenile, while a sensitive approach was expected. This incident came in light when next week it is the “World Day of The Boy Child”…

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Domestic Violence on Males in India is Ignored : Men Helpline Article

Male Domestic Abuse Ignored

Indian law makers do not see Domestic Violence (DV) with Male, they believe that women are the only victims of domestic violence as they are weaker section of society. Here we must discuss, “weaker section”. What is “weaker section”? Is this about the physical, mental or economical strength. So yes, this is about all. The same law maker never…

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IPC498a and Domestic Violence laws are made to break families – Men Helpline Article

False Case on Male Breaking Families

Under IPC498a the husband treated guilty as soon as he is slapped with Dowry Harassment charges by his wife. It is important to understand that even in murder case, “accused is treated not guilty until proven guilty”. According to Article 14 of Constitution of India, “every one should be equal before law”. But we see gross violation of Article…

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Our Demand for Police and Judiciary Reform to Deal with the Family Dispute in India – MenHelpline Org Article

Need of Police Reform in India

We strongly need reforms in Judiciary as well as in the process of investigation. The husband and keens treated badly by the investigation agencies, even the agencies playing with the process of law. The other perspective cannot be denied that, the person who is doing investigation has to report in court, has to visit crime scene, patrolling, arresting and…

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False Cases of IPC 498A On Indian Husbands – MenHelpline Org Article

False Case ruining Men's Life

Society must ensure their faith in the Juducial system, and vice versa judiciary also give equal chance to male as of women. This will be wrong say, “All women are Saints while Male are born Criminals”. Law Commission and Home Ministry in year 2013, took step against arrest under Section 498A of Indian Penal Court (IPC) and directions were…

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